In this special Israel-at-War update, Yishai Fleisher deals with the horrific attack on Israel over the holiday of Simchat Torah and the beginnings of the Jewish State’s response. With Malkah Fleisher, Ari Abramowitz, and Alex Traiman. May Hashem bless His...
SEASON 2023 EPISODE 39: Live from inside the Sukkah: Yishai Fleisher on the pilgrimage festival of Sukkot celebrations in the Holy Land. Rabbi Shimshon Nadel on how the holiday reflects the concept of Jewish unity. And Ben Bresky retells a famous I.L. Peretz story of...
SEASON 2023 EPISODE 38: First, Yishai and Malkah Fleisher wrap up Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and yearn to stay high! Then, Prime Minister’s Netanyahu’s speech at the UN and comments. Yishai is humbled by the Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Award. Ben Bresky...
SEASON 2023 EPISODE 37: Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the “Golda” movie and prepare for the solemn repentance day of Yom Kippur. Susannah Schild goes “From Southerner to Settler” and helps us hike the Holy Land. Also, Rabbi Shimshon Nadel...
SEASON 2023 EPISODE 36: Yishai is in Washington for the showing of Ambassador David Friedman’s film about Israel’s Rt. 60 – The Biblical Highway – with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and David Friedman join Yishai...
SEASON 2023 EPISODE 35: A hero has passed away but not before Yishai had a chance to talk with him: Shai Ish-Shalom was an Israeli warrior who rescued Jews at Entebbe and continued to teach the art of Jewish defense. Then, Zeev Orenstein talks to Fox News about the...